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January 2021 is the most January-est January of all Januarys. In the original lockdown, at least the weather was nice so we were more motivated to go for walks, runs and so on. Now that we are yet another lockdown, and with COVID-19 taking an even greater toll than previously, the combination of horrible weather and relentless bad news makes it difficult to get off the internet hamster wheel of doom and be physically active.

Here are my pieces of advice to stay active (and motivated) during lockdown 3 at home and outdoors.

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How to plan a walk and enjoy it! Are you trying to do more walking? Maybe you want to go walking in new places. This post has tips and advice for walking, including deciding where to go on a walk, planning a walk route, and what to take on a walk. 

Included is a free checklist of things to take on a walk, so you don't ever forget anything crucial. 

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Maybe you have seen the TechRound Interview, or maybe you’d like a little more background on what Enjoy Eco Box is about – here’s the origin story . . .

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Maybe you are thinking ahead to next year even, although autumn is a great time to go to the UK coast as things calm down after the school holidays and the manic-ness of post lockdown freedom.  

I’ve done a little round up of the beaches I have on my list of ‘just-off-the-very-beaten-track enough’. Perfect for exploring with your sustainable outdoor essentials. 

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The area around Derwentwater, in the North Lakes, which includes Keswick & Borrowdale has far too much to cover in one blog post! Today we’ll focus on the walk featured in the video and a couple of other relatively easy to do walks around there.

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