Urban & City Walk Ideas

Urban & City Walk Ideas

Well, we’re back to fairly strict restrictions for the time being (October 2020), but the good news is we can do as much exercise as we want, that’s good news right? . . . Right?!

This might seem easier if you live in the countryside, but the reality is most of us live in cities and urban areas, and the good news is this time around we are allowed to go a bit further afield than just walks form the front door. Although obviously I’m not recommending travelling around the country!

Here is a round up of city and urban resources, which might be useful. I’ve focussed on areas I know better but I’d love you hear your suggestions or any comments if you try any of these routes!

We’ve included: walk ideas for North Manchester, South Manchester and London area including Central London and Outer London, and a Nottingham park walks as well as resources for Birmingham walks. North West England

North Manchester

The Visit Manchester website has a selection of fantastic downloads, but we would have to say our absolute favourite is the walk from Ramsbottom to Peel tower. This is a viewpoint over the whole Greater Manchester area (and into Yorkshire on a good day). See the options & download routes and maps at the Visit Manchester website here 

holcome hill walk near manchester

A Greater Manchester hidden gem (in my opinion) is Seven Acres Park near Bolton. Rivington gets all the glory in Bolton, and while it is a great place to walk, with lots of paths and that fantastic view from the Pike, it does get busy. For a quieter walk in North Manchester, have a look at Seven Acres. It’s not a huge place, but you can enjoy a gentle walk along the river in (when we’ve been) one of the quieter spots around. Find out more here. 


South Manchester

The Marple area has lovely, and easy walks. The Peak Forest Canal and the Goyt river offer flat and straightforward walks of various lengths. In Marple, the Peak Forest Canal intersects with the start of the Macclesfield Canal which is another route option. We did this walk, and loved it – so varied with many historic sights to see. If you are lucky like we were, the car parks slightly off the beaten track (i.e. outside the main towns) will be fairly quiet. Our Instagram page @enjoyecobox has a reel of the walk as well if you'd like to try before you buy!

peak forest canal walk south manchester

For even more Manchester walks have a look at this great set of ideas from the Manchester Evening News 

peak forest canal walk near manchester

London Area

Capital ring walk – this route, planned in conjunction with TFL combines routes to create a circle around outer London. There is lots of variation and a good focus on green spaces. The Richmond Park part is especially nice. 

london walk sight

Serene City Canal & Skylines – With highlights including window shopping for #dreamhomes, a peaceful canal side & stunning views across London, this is a beautiful and interesting walk in Central London which takes you to my personal favourite London viewpoint. Find a route description in our Little Book of Walks & Snacks  and enjoy the photo of me at the viewpoint with terrible lighting . . .

primrose hill london walk

For even more dedicated walking trails, check out the TFL walks page, there's sure to be a walk in a suitable area for you 


I can speak very highly of the Woollaton Park walk in Nottingham – we’ve been here more than once with family. Find this walk and more at this Nottingham Council list of ideas here.

Beyond Notts, Midlands isn’t my area of speciality, so I’ll leave a list of great resources for the Birmingham area:




If you are feeling inspired to get outside more in the coming months, browse our outdoor kit with a sustainable story here, plus giftboxes for walking available for Christmas.


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